How you experience life, how successful and fulfilled you
are, can arguably depend on what default state you spend your life in
Successful people such as business leaders and athletes
regularly put themselves in a peak state before a speech or a game for optimum
performance. They will have conscious or
subconscious strategies to put themselves in peak states. Tony Robbins, a top trainer
and coach, has as series of affirmations and physical anchors before he goes on
stage in front of millions of people and he uses a trampoline to physically get
himself in physical a peak state.
A state is a factor of three components:
1) What your Attention is on, what you focus on.
2) What your Body is doing or how it is being
3) What your Communication is like?, to your self
and to others.
Change one of these components and your state will change!
Our challenge to your for the month of MOVE-ember is for you
to notice what your default state is like, and get curious about how you might
want to change this to experience a fuller and richer life.
If you spend your time in a depressed, stressed or not
optimal state, it is unlikely that you will be feeling at your best and
achieving and optimizing your possibilities in life. You will most likely be
doing one or all of the following:
1) Focusing on negative events, worries, concerns
2) Not be very active physically or putting unhealthy nutrition
into your body,
3) Speak to yourself and others in a less-than optimal way,
eg self-criticism, negative self talk, going over hurts of the past, going over
negative stories etc.
If on the other hand you spend your time in a peak state,
you will most likely be:
1) Focusing your
Attention on a positive outcome, positive events, what you want and your goals
2) Be active in your body and give it the right care and nutrition
3) Say supportive, constructive things to yourself and
Ask yourself the following questions:
1) Where is my Attention? What am I focusing on in
my life/ day-to-day?
2) What am I doing with my Body in terms of
exercise and nutrition?
3) How am I speaking to my self and to others?
At Bodies under Construction, MOVE-ember is all about moving
for us, and we believe that “Motion creates Emotion”. Small things like your
posture, how you sit and walk can make a huge difference to your sense of
satisfaction, wellbeing and how you experience life. Physical exercise of any
form will affect your state, which will inevitably affect your life experience.
At Bodies under Construction- we can support you in your
change work. Our life coach, nutritionist, physios, pilates instructors and
other health professionals are all available to help you achieve your goals.

Kinga Broel-Plater is a passionate life and executive coach. Her mission in life is to help make a difference to people and businesses in a meaningful and long lasting way.
Contact details:
Tel: +44 (0)7796 955 797