Sunday, 2 November 2014

30/30 Squat Challenge - "Move"ember

Rules of thumb:
1. No REST days during the 30 days. You can start at anytime in November.(Just count 30 days from when you start)
2. Relaxed spine - no need to try to remain erect or with neutral spine. Its a RESTING position.
3. Width between the feet - around shoulder width apart but should be individualized and experimented with - aim for maximal depth and relaxation.
4. How much feet should be turned out or should they be facing forward? Don't let anyone sell you the idea of ONE perfect position - this should be individualized and experimented with - aim for maximal depth and relaxation.
5. Knee pain? Hip pain? stand up and move around. Resume the squat and work in small short bursts of squatting throughout the day.
6. Footwear? Best - barefoot. Second best - minimal footwear.
7. Keep your heels on the floor if possible. If impossible, try a small heel support until you gain the proper mobility to squat flat foot on the ground.
8. True sign of good squatting? When you get tired from STANDING - you squat and not vise versa! True story!
9. How deep should you squat? There is only one answer - DEEPER.

One thing that will really help is not approaching the squatting as 'Training'. I actually try to approach every movement practice with a similar approach.
Instead of scheduling a session of squatting, use my initial advise - squat EVERYWHERE - when waiting for the bus, talking on the phone, on the street, on top of a chair in a coffee shop, on the edge of a fence, etc, etc - and keep using the timer to 'kill minutes' off the 30 min mark.

This kind of a habit is superior to doing a session - from a variety of reasons:
1. It is interlaced into your lifestyle. No need to 'implement' the squat, its already being USED as a resting position.
2. It is spread throughout the day and sends a very strong adaptation inducing signal to your system - KEEP THE JOINTS OPEN AND READY TO SQUAT - AT ALL TIME.
3. It is cooler and will start some interesting conversations with people around you.
4. It is NOT normal. Since normal = Homer Simpson, you don't want to be normal - so there you go!

All credits to Ido Portal! – More info on movement culture visit

Happy Squating folks!


p.s. don't forget!

1. Link to our Blog or social media sites( Twitter or Facebook) for further instructions on what to do, and more information on a range of topics.

2. Choose your challenge ( Choose 1, 2 or all 3 !) Check our initial blog post on "Move"ember

3. Make a donation to the cause,

4. Tell everyone about the challenges and encourage them to join you or at least make a donation themselves.

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