Tuesday, 4 November 2014

'MOVE'ember post: Stephen Kleiser

Form is determined by Function......and Function by Design
If we look at our physical form, as human beings, it is easy to decipher our function. We can see how the human form has adapted over 2 million+ years to become what it is now... the most advanced endurance running animal on the planet... By Design!
It is a fundamental need, of our Design, to MOVE.
When our needs are not satisfied... disease and dysfunction will follow.
Within our current physical and emotional environment of 21st century England, the form we most often see, and accept, is that of dysfunction.
Symptoms are present in our form and are the result of dysfunction.
We can treat the symptoms... but this will not affect the dysfunction. The dysfunction will mean the same symptoms will return again and again until the dysfunction is addressed.
Our physical and emotional tension can both cause and be the cause of our guarding reflex. It is there to protect us from emotional and physical danger to prevent injury. Our life experiences effect our perception of our environment resulting, more often than not, in our guarding reflex being over sensitive and activating when there is not actually a real threat.
This guarding restricts movement!
Movement is health and Vitality.
When movement is allowed to happen, rather than forcing it, we can often feel emotional releases as part of your whole systems orientation to health and vitality.

In the right environment, we can learn to resist the urge to simply push through and start to allow movement to happen, helping release physical, emotional and psychological trauma present.
We can even learn to become aware of the movement of our sensations and emotions.
Our physical form has an operational blueprint...known as the human ordering matrix. This is laid down in the 20 or so minutes of stillness after conception and carries a primal template that orders embryological development. These forces continue to organise us throughout life and can be felt in the physiological functioning of all healthy, living tissues.
Reorienting to this stillness and original blueprint helps the release of both physical and emotional trauma as your tensions unfold and realign.
"Worms will not eat living wood where the vital sap is flowing;
rust will not hinder the opening of a gate when the hinges are used each day. 

Movement gives health and life. 

Stagnation brings disease and death."

Traditional Chinese Medicine proverb

Function by design... and our Physical and Emotional Form will look after itself.

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